Following the light every Human is guided by an inner compass that points toward the Light, revealing truth and
direction amidst decisions. All Human Spiritual Beliefs ultimately seek the Light in ways differing only in form and function.
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Having conceived a favorable option of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of free and accepted Illuminati society, and a sincere desire of being serviceable to my fellow creature, unbiased by friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary motives. I do freely and voluntarily offer myself as a Candidate for The Illuminati Society and if selected, will cheerfully conform to all the ancient and established usages and customs of Illuminate Order, which I understand are based on the highest Principle and Moral precepts and incorporate no Unseemly Conduct.
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We aim to empower our members. Call us on +27 729 300 140 OR whats-app us +27 65 228 4070 Agent Kim
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